Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday music with my droid...

Today I'm in my studio making jewelry.  I need the getaway now... and I need my music!  So a few apps I use regularly to satisfy my music needs are:
  • Pandora - internet radio that allows you to choose artists you like and bookmark them.  Pandora then plays music similar to the Artist you added to your station listing..  One can rate songs/artists and skip songs too!  
  • Slacker - internet radio which some say has more customization than Pandora.
  • Shazam - song ID, my other favorite since I don't know bands very well.  I can set my phone up to 'tag' a part of a song then Shazam matches it against an online database.  When found it provides a direct link to YouTube, Amazon to buy the song, or the bands MySpace site!
  • iMusic - allows a person to play online music by searching an artist/band.  Via peer-to-peer sharing you can download music.
  • Music Online Lite - is now only available as Music Online for $7.99 and it is just like iMusic.. good stuff!
  • Probably most importantly I went to and downloaded the software for my phone so that I can sync my device and transfer my music, photos, videos, and my contacts to Outlook.
Well that's it people, I need to get back out there.  I'll think of more later... Have a fabulous evening!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My list of must have app's on my Droid:

First I like to have an antivirus on my droid:  I use Lookout.  It will scan the apps I download, which are mostly 3rd party apps, it also creates an online backup and IF my droid gets stolen I can login to to make my droid scream!  (I heard it is really loud too!)

The second app I must have is the Advanced Task Killer because I can kill a.k.a. close all apps that I'm not using to save my battery life.  Or just close apps that I'm finished using, that sometimes run in the background.  

The third app I use regularly is the Quick Uninstaller app.  As I play with some apps, then decide not to keep them, it is the most easy way of removing apps you no longer need by opening it, it will load all apps you can delete, you choose which ones, it asks to uninstall & voila!  Gone!

My fourth app is just a fun one, where the first three were "Utilities" sort of.  This one is the World Tour.  It is a web cam based app that allows you to literally take a tour of certain locations throughout the world and view them real time via a web camera.  I love, love looking at the Vatican in Italy, or the Bondi Beach in Australia!

Well that's it for now.  I'll put up some more later today or tomorrow!  Need to get into my studio and fire up some torches.... It's glass time folks.  Have a fabulous Saturday.  ( the wind, please calm yourself!)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Google My Tracks - Favorite of the day!

Google My Tracks - I used all winter long up at the Arizona Snowbowl while snowboarding.  It was a phenomenal snow filled winter here in Flagstaff, AZ and that made for some fast runs.  38.4 MPH was our fastest.... it was February I think and Lara, Emma and Myself were up having a fun midday session.

A Track can be named, edited, viewed in satellite mode.  Markers can be set and settings changed.

It also presents a colorful graph of Elevation change over time and Speed verses time.  In addition this program GPS tracks your trail, your speed, the minimum and maximum elevation as well as minimum and maximum grade change!

Then when you have all the information about a particular track you can:
Send it to Google, share it with friends, write it to your SD card, or you can erase and delete it.

Well that's it for today.  If I have more time I'll link a map of mine to this for ya!  Have a beautiful weekend.